MMeM, Vol. 14 Issue 25 – Office Life

MMeM, Vol. 14 Issue 25 – Office Life
…office space trends were moving…


n the past few years, office space trends were moving to “open spaces” for more team collaboration and togetherness. It has been all the buzz as the higher-ups had these lofty ideas in their walnut lined offices that the old cubicle way of thinking was too 20th century and SOoo last year. So, in came cluster desk seating and no-wall cubicles with no borders and no privacy because everyone was working together for the company’s goals and customers.

What a bunch of #%$&. Forced collaboration always works, all it takes is a gentle or not so subtle prod from upper management to wake up the unwashed masses who are too stupid to shake themselves out of their daily grinds to achieve glorious results.

Or that’s what they’d have us believe.

IF this was such a forward thinking and positive progressive movement, why are their items such as this popping up now?

BLINDERS for humans? I’m sorry, but these are for HORSES, err animals – EQUINE.

Oh well, good luck wearing a set of these in today’s hand-holding no-borders office space world anyway. Sheesh!


Blogger, in search of humor, always. Writer of, formerly hosted on Blogger.