MMeM, Vol.11 Issue 13 – (9-3)=JUNE
…yeah, YOU do the math. It’s obvious that Nia, the lowly earless cat, that she is, gets little love in this house. Look, she does just fine though. She’s a miracle cat really. Little does she know how very close …
…yeah, YOU do the math. It’s obvious that Nia, the lowly earless cat, that she is, gets little love in this house. Look, she does just fine though. She’s a miracle cat really. Little does she know how very close …
…but maybe JUST maybe. Technically, if we lived in the world of that portrayed in the movies, today, March 21, would be PURGE day starting in about an hour or so. Such a ridiculous and flabbergastingly stupid idea for a …
…sold for a mere $1.3 MILLION. SOLD! Lately I’ve been hearing quite a bit about the demise of local television broadcasting. When you get right down to it, competition is tough today with Netflix, AppleTV, Amazon, HBO Now, and the …
…A/C in here, like like Mother Nature intended. I don’t know about you, but I really like seeing local businesses and organizations doing great. Maybe it’s that age old adage of “stickin’ it to da’ man” or “takin’ it to …
NO, I’m not going to to be THAT GUY. This past week I had been hearing about this guy, Aaron Levi, that was in his early 50’s and had lived his life knowing that he had been adopted as an …
BOOM I just blew my MIND. I‘ve always found space and NASA type things interesting. So, the other day there was an announcement that some scientist-astronomer types had apparently psuedo-discovered a massive black hole way back in time. Yeah, they’d …