MMeM, Vol.12 Issue 7 – Agree to what?
Maybe it’s just me, but I am always blown away at the sheer volume of these service agreements with Apple’s iPhone upgrades. Let me just say for the record, that NO ONE has ever read one, ever. The most effort ever put into those things is scanning them to find where the “agree to” link is to get along with the process.
God only knows what exactly we’re “agreeing” to with these anyway. For all I know, this week I just joined ISIS, Anonymous, Silk Road, and what’s left of Ashley Madison.
The latest incarnation, iOS 9.3 consisted of 14 pages, 6,228 words, 32,782 characters, 80 paragraphs, and 506 lines. Just think of the crap that COULD be hidden within that! The truth is that no one, NO ONE, in their right mind reads these, ever. The only people who have ever read any parts of them are the teams of attorneys that draft them and the only time anyone would ever learn about what is in them would be in court when a lawsuit is in process. Then, the particulars that are exempt from being included in a ruling or decision would come into play as being off-limits due to a simple mouse click signifying that no one had ever read them.
And that, is the law by which we live. But, yeah what do I really care anyway. I’m still going to be a satisfied Apple customer. I’m never going to bother reading those things, EVAR.