MMeM, Vol.12 Issue 6 – Boaty McBoatface
You might think that corporations and governments with even the best intentions might learn after enough failed attempts that the Internet is just not their friend. Several times there have been attempts to engage the unwashed masses in crowd sourcing idea generating initiatives. And, inevitably, the Internet continues to punch these honest friendly groups right in the face.
Dateline: Natural Environment Research Council of Great Britain recently proposed having people suggest names for their shiny new $287 million polar research ship.
Rather than ending up with some of the starter suggestions given by the council such as Shakleton, Endeavour, Falcon, or R.R.S. David Attenborough (noted English Naturalist) the contest was producing a runaway winner and had to be abruptly altered.
The winner as of the re-setting of the competition was…….. R.R.S. Boaty McBoatface.
Tah-DAH! Thank you Internet! Boaty McBoatface!
News of this debacle brought back memories of previous naming competitions held on the Internet. Mountain Dew tried one back in 2012 called “Dub the Dew”. That disaster led to a leaderboard that couldn’t even be publicized other than to say, forget about it and sorry we asked.
Yes, I know it’s a bit blurry but that does read “Hitler did nothing wrong” for #1. Before you ask yourself, what is wrong with people or this is just the Internet. Consider this. Maybe voting is the problem.