MMeM, Vol. 15 Issue 9 – The Wind

he other day we had wind that seemed to foretell the end of the world. It was relentless with gusts that reached 45 mph for an entire weekend. This was during another deep freeze which most of the country had been dealing with as everyone swears at the Groundhog for yet another year.
This wind was a bit unnerving and tricky to deal with at times. Sure, it made opening car doors an adventure and holding onto things tricky. Heck, check out this porta potty. YIKES!
However, this wind also reminded me of good things too. What you may ask? Raking, and why I don’t bother.
I hate raking. Raking leaves, lawn clippings, clutter, or whatever natural refuse with which I’m expected to handle. Winds like this are a blessing to me. I don’t have to rake and guess what? My yard looks like all of my neighbors’ yards who tirelessly rake for hours, days, and entire weekends.
Sorry? You think those leaves are mine in your yard? Prove it. Actually there aren’t any leaves anywhere. They’re all gone. Poof! I don’t know where they went and honestly I’m not that worried about it. Because, where ever they are they are, well, in the wind…