MMeM, Vol.11 Issue 41 – Rescued

…once again rescued me.

There are times when I find myself with so much content that I want to write about that it stacks up and yes, even I have difficulty finding time to do it justice. Lately, sleep, and the lack of said sleep has seriously cut into my writing. Then there is the very real issue of the fact that NO ONE reads anything anymore. It’s just the way things are anymore.

Today, we all need picture stories. Not even stories really, just pictures or A Picture will do thank you very much. Yes, a picture really is worth a thous… er 10 words by today’s standards.

Anyway, as I struggle, briefly with which snarky path to weave among my stack of material, a gift is suddenly dropped into my lap. This subject is an old favorite of Midwestern Mediations and has once again rescued me from a writing quagmire. Thank you Rock Shop, again.



Blogger, in search of humor, always. Writer of, formerly hosted on Blogger.