MMeM, Vol. 9 Issue 26 – What time is it?

You can set your watch to it…

Isn’t it reassuring to know that in today’s topsy-turvsy world there are still some things on which you can always depend? The sun will come up in the East, the leaders of North Korea and Iran are INSANE, and Dennis Rodman will never fully go away.

There is another time tested sure fire way to get a grip on reality. Rest easy knowing that no matter how much technology we have, there will always be people who don’t understand Daylight Savings Time. You can set your watch to it that just about every 6 months or so, one of the top 5 searches combing billions of webpages will be for “Daylight Savings Time.”

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I’m sure most of these searches are for WHEN is DST? Because, everyone knows how to do DST.

Mom’s HAD to tell them “Spring forward” and “Fall back” when they were growing up.

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But then again, a picture or a chart with arrows is very helpful.


Blogger, in search of humor, always. Writer of, formerly hosted on Blogger.