MMeM, Vol.13 Issue 34 – If U can’t have. U want.

At first glance one is SHOCKED!

Maybe, just maybe, the way society deals with laws and regulations is backwards. I know it sounds crazy at first, when someone proposes something completely against the grain or out of the ordinary. But when nothing else works or after years of failure, maybe a new way will succeed?

What’s that saying, how’s it go? “We’ve always done it this way.” Yeah, I don’t know about any of you, but that phrase is cancer to business and progress, in my humble opinion.

This way of thinking struck me when I saw this story a while back about the slaughter of rhinos all over the world for their horns. You’ve heard about this idiocy. It’s disgusting and ignorance on the grandest of scales. In Asia it’s believed by some that rhino horn can be used “(with no medical backing) ― to cure everything from cancer to impotence.” For years, zoos and wildlife refuges have been forced so chainsaw off horns of rhinos in order to keep poachers from killing them for their horns.

Then NEWSFLASH, South Africa is planning to push legislation to legalize the rhino horn trade. BOOM! At first glance, one is SHOCKED! But, give it a couple of minutes, let it sink in, and you begin to realize that making it legal will cause the illegal demand driving the killing to cease. As the story reports, breeders have stockpiles of rhino horns. They will be able to flood the market. Of course, at first they may make a pretty penny too, but that will dwindle away  as well.

The debate goes back and forth, “Who’s right?” or “Who’s wrong?” One thing is for sure, had the sale of rhino horn never been illegal it would never have become more valuable than gold or cocaine. At any rate, it’s certainly worth a try.

It’s like Mark Twain once said, “The more things are forbidden, the more popular they become.”


Blogger, in search of humor, always. Writer of, formerly hosted on Blogger.