MMeM, Vol.12 Issue 19 – GASP
No matter how hard I try, I will never understand the ignorance behind some of our enlightened higher minds in society. For how many years, decades, and centuries now have we been bombarded with the negative health implications of smoking? It’s knowledge that every smoker, new or old, knows full well and can’t possibly be unaware of in the year 2016.
How many quit smoking campaigns and health plan incentives have there been? It’s incalculable. These are all very good efforts and causes for the right reasons.
Now, enter the e-Cigarette. This new device offers the single chemical that makes smoking so addicting, more addicting than anything on Earth apparently, Nicotine, without all of the carcinogens found in TOBACCO!
What? No, WAH-LAH? No, hallelujah? No, finally an answer and a viable platform to free the smoker from their cancer producing nicotine delivery systems?
Hateful pompous know-it alls are telling everyone a big fat NO. Why? Because THEY KNOW BETTER! DAMMIT!
And yet, nicotine gum and nicotine patches are perfectly acceptable, in the eyes of snooty non-smoker society. Why is that? Is it because those who were never sucked into the evils of tobacco don’t see what nicotine addicts are really doing so that makes it ok? Does that mean that non-smokers’ feelings and perceptions are more important than the lives of people who once or currently smoke?
I think not.
And, for once, I’m not alone. I give you a recent recommendation from a British Medical Group urging smokers to switch to e-cigarettes.
GASP! SHOCK! Gasp because, after finding a viable option for successfully quitting smoking, you can GASP to express your SHOCK that there are medical groups recommending e-cigarettes. Then, easily exhale when you realize that said medical group is not of litigious American means.
WELL BLOW ME DOWN! Pun intended.