MMeM, Vol.11 Issue 47 – The STOCKS
It’s the times of the persecuted smoker these days. I don’t smoke, but I understand their plight. For decades, their way was not only socially accepted but allowed everywhere. Whether it was in restaurants, cars, offices, trains, public anywhere really it was allowed, tolerated and something nearly everyone seemed to do.
Sure, times have changed and more has been learned about the harmful health impacts of smoking. Today in 2015, nearly everyone knows why it’s no longer socially acceptable or medically acceptable to smoke. It’s opened seemingly unending financial and social hardships for those addicted to smoking. I don’t know man, but seems I’ve heard that part of smoking’s addiction is the physical action. What if someone could come up with a nicotine delivery system without any of the known cancer causing tobacco carcinogens that could be used instead? Yeah right! Huh? Next thing you know someone will suggest nicotine gum or patches that can be worn! I know, CRAZY TALK huh?
I digress, drive though any downtown area during working hours and you’ll see huddled masses on public property. Neither snow, nor rain, nor heat, nor gloom of night, nor the winds of change, nor a nation challenged, will stay them from the swift completion of their needed draws of nicotine fueled tax revenue delivery systems. No, they aren’t USPS workers they are smokers.
Well, then becomes the problem of cigarette butts, which don’t always find their trash receptacles. Oh the horror! The sheer disgusting sight to see cigarette butts under piles and walls of half empty and discarded plastic water bottles.
Let’s solve that with some nifty disposal cans with a catchy name painted on them that smokers have to stand next to like a modern version set of stocks.
Ahh yes, the BUTT CAN. Well, that certainly brightens things up a bit. Oh, and you’ve chosen a caution yellow paint finish with some black striping decoration. Charming!