MMeM, Vol.11 Issue 23 – ANTI-everything pt.2

…not done with “Anti-” stickers yet.

So, as I was saying about those “Anti-” stickers, the one proclaiming NO GUNS is a bit perplexing to me. Obviously, the smart and natural instinct is to ask that people don’t bring guns into businesses, schools, movie theaters, or other seemingly safe public areas. It’s all done with the best of intentions and for the safety of everyone.

BUT, in today’s world, unfortunately there are people who aren’t concerned with safety at all. Oh I used to think it was a “once in a blue-moon” type event for bad things like shootings to take place. However, that’s not really the case anymore. Who can even keep track of all of the miserable, despicable, and evil shootings that have gone on in the past 25 years? Look, I’m not a 2nd amendment chanting, pry my gun from my cold deal hand, or even an “eye for an eye” kind of activist. But the one thing that comes to my mind when I learn about Columbine, Aurora, or Sandy Hook is how many innocent people would still be alive if when a shooter started their evil, …….someone shot back?

It’s a horrific safety, “who among who”, and political minefield to even discuss, but if psychos even had an inkling that there could be return fire, then maybe no one would die. Because, psychos would decide to not even try at all. Well that’s my hope and the only reason I’d give for allowing law-abiding people to carry guns.

The problem with gun laws are that the only people who even bother to follow them are people who aren’t going to dress up like the Joker and go on a killing spree. The real criminals aren’t keeping up with the necessary paperwork for their Firearm Owner’s IDdentification card. They’re not and they never will, would, or have.

If you wanted to inflict the most destruction and mayhem possible in your crazy insane last blaze of glory in your demented mind, which door would you choose?



One thing’s for sure, we’re not done with “Anti-” stickers just yet. Because it seems there are some popular evil doing decapitating machete stickers that need to be produced. Remember that new flag? Yeah, it’s not done changing yet, and I’m not referring to Puerto Rico possibly one day becoming the 51st state. At some point, we may need to do stripes with stickers and not just the stars.



Blogger, in search of humor, always. Writer of, formerly hosted on Blogger.