MMeM, Vol.9 Issue 51 – Mistakes

…even I wouldn’t have made that mistake.

Everyone makes mistakes, or at least I know that I do. I almost always make a decision that I regret on some level. It happens.

So take today, the 1st Saturday in May. Everyone knows what that means, it’s the Kentucky Derby. People who follow horse racing, yes I have heard that there are some, and then everyone else who’s ever known anyone with a horse gets interested. And, the Kentucky Derby is of course famous for the trendy attire of the attendees. Then there are the women’s hats. I get it, really I do and I kind of appreciate it on some level. But, when it comes to picking out the perfect Derby hat, well, there are many mistakes to be made.

I give you the following NBC reporter on the Today Show this morning.


Wait, what is that? Yikes.

“Look, it’s me in my 2nd grade Earth Day play out fit!”

Or, “Look, I’m a plant.” No, “Look, I’m a flower!”

I’m sure the purpose of this style of hat was to deal with having your face on National TV so you don’t want a huge brim that obscures your or the viewers’ views. Well, whatever the reason, even I wouldn’t have made that mistake.


Blogger, in search of humor, always. Writer of, formerly hosted on Blogger.