MMeM, Vol. 6 Issue 1 – Top 20 Most Annoying Words & Phrases
- Chipotle. Enough. No more freaking chipotle please. And besides, everyone pronounces it “chipolte” anyway.
- Angus Beef. This is not new. It’s been around as long as beef itself. You didn’t invent this type of meat and you only recently decided to start selling it instead of the synthetic fat patties you’ve been dealing for decades.
- 360. Quit adding 360 to the end of things. It’s annoying, tiresome, and completely unoriginal.
- Balloon boy. It’s been a while since my last post, sorry, but this had to be addressed.
- 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. Bring back the caveman. Cavemen probably wrote this tag anyway.
- Any scandal or investigation ending in “…gate”. This. Must. End.
- Verb forms of Twitter, i.e. Tweeted, Tweet, Twittered, Twattered, Twat?, etc.
- Verb forms of Facebook, i.e. Facebook me! Do you Facebook? Just ask, “Are you on Facebook? Cause, I’m on Facebook.”
- Bailout. Nothing is getting bailed out except a rowboat taking on water. It’s a huge shell game where one entity is allowed to continue existing by being absolved of its debt while another entity takes on said debt thus making them the next one needing a “bailout”. Back to the rowboat taking on water…fix the leak. Fix something, anything.
- The tribe has spoken. Then the tribe should ZIP IT.
- 3G.
- 4G. Just where does the Pontiac G6 fit into all of this “G” crap?
- Octomom. Again, I’m late to the party on this term but honestly, can’t we do better as a society? “Octo”-mom. Seriously? What about referencing another “8 related” item like, oh I don’t know, a STOP sign. A stop sign put in people’s yards as if to say, STOP reproducing!
- Buffalo. We have added Buffalo flavor to everything. There is nothing left.
- Top kill. Static kill.
- High Def / HD. So now you’re telling me there is such a thing as High Def paint? Really? Lowe’s, Let’s Name Something Together.
- Extreme. This word has lost all meaning and should be removed from the dictionary. Not every activity or food can be extreme. Should have been left back in the 90’s.
- iANYTHING. The next company or person to put a lower case “i” in front of a word to make it seem techy or new is in serious jeopardy of being an iLoser. Same goes for eANYTHING. Stop it.
- Referring to a no hitter in baseball as a “no-no”. Shut it. You sound like you’re 3 years old.
- Housewives of any American city or region. They’re all bitchy and some of them aren’t even wives.