MMeM, Vol.11 Issue 42 – Super Sour & Shut up. Please.
All writers do it. Struggle to come up with stories. Searching, scouring, looking for content under every conceivable rock or tree that can be shaken. Sometimes, they come up with wonderful ideas and inspiring stories that readers treasure and carry with them for lifetimes passing along down throughout generations.
And then, there are the other stories when a writer is really scraping the bottom of the content barrel. That’s when they come up with stories like this one. What on Earth should one do with LEFT OVER HALLOWEEN CANDY? Are you INSANE?
What? Who, what are you? Are we of the same species?
What to do with leftover Halloween candy? OH PULL-EASE! Do I have to spell it out for you? E A T I T ? ? ? ? You know what you do and will do with it. It’s all everyone’s final hoo-rah and Sayonara to BAD food as you embark on yet another doomed D I E T. Just get it over with, christen your miserable start to another failure with a nice Twix, make it two say 1 was Left Twix, now for Right Twix. Done. Diet COMMENCED.
In this list of “Ideas” for aliens from another planet and whatever they call “mothers” there, the “writer” suggests donating it to a local Food Bank. I don’t know what’s worse. Giving completely nutritionally useless crap to hungry and needy people or the accident I would cause while attempting to drive and unwrap said donations to eat them on the way to the Food Bank.
Use it in recipes? Look, I was in a fraternity in college and even WE never stooped to levels as low as this in the name of frugality and let me tell you we went to levels of which I shall never speak. “Bake a Milky Way cake”….is that supposed to be on top of the defibrillator or can that be used as the cake dome?
Now some of the ideas given sound “OK”, I ……GUESS, like donating them to military folks overseas. But, really, I don’t have much faith in sending unused, leftover Halloween candy to say Afghanistan, Egypt, or Iraq. I mean the HEAT in some of those places, my GOD THE HEAT! Those 3 oz. tasters of chocolate are ruined being left out on my kitchen counter for an afternoon!