MMeM, Vol. 15 Issue 21 – Up is DOWN

his week we learn that 45 Party City stores are closing due in part to the news of the helium shortage. Helium, it’s used for everything from blimps to vehicle airbags to MRI’s, birthday balloons, fiber optics, and semiconductors.
Yeah I never stopped to consider that helium was a nonrenewable source either, when I was taking a break from filling up balloons to inhale and talk like a chipmunk. Sue me, you’ll get nothing but a share of my debt. The human guilt trip continues. It’s the one thing we are extremely great at these days.
Look, if we want to blame someone for this tragedy and the coming bleak outlook of balloon releases, birthdays, and inhaling I think I know who it is. This guy.
This guy was lauded for using a TON of helium.
And what about that fiasco in Cleveland back on September 27, 1986 when brainiacs there released an estimated 1.5 MILLION balloons?
Well, it’s not all bad. Experts estimate there is still about 200 years of helium left on Earth. So there’s that.