MMeM, Vol. 15 Issue 22 – Conflicted?

saw this the other day and remembered to snap a pic today when I happened upon it. Why it bothers me, I’m not entirely sure, but it does. It could have something to do with the fact that it is in an area of the most funked up roadways in and out of retail stores while dancing in between interstates and business loops.
I don’t know man, but it just appears to be SUCH an oxymoron or double negative of sorts. Do NOT turn on RED. There definitely is a big RED light. But then, there’s the very inviting always welcoming green turn arrow!
I’m conflicted.
But I’m DEFINITELY turning.
Here’s an idea. What if, and I’m purely speaking hypothetically now so stay with me. But what if, the arrow was RED when you wanted to infer NOT to turn on RED; and then green when you wanted to allow it?
Too much. I know. Forget it.