MMeM, Vol.13 Issue 3 – Bout’ right
I don’t know how this happened, but apparently my daughter is now 20 years old. While the age changes year after year, the child still remains the same to remind me that yes, it’s definitely still her. Just a couple of weeks ago she went to Florida for a couple of days with her freshman year college roommate. They met up with grandma who was vacationing there at the same time with one of HER college roommates as well!
She had worked over Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks to make this trip possible and I was thankful that she was able to do this with the college friend she met on orientation weekend 2 years ago. When she was back and packing to drive back to school it was the usual flurry of chaos with suitcases, backpacks, bags, sacks, and duffel bags that felt like she was hauling bricks. Amidst all of the usual daughter chaos were the usual carry-in items that didn’t make it into any bags or brick-haulers. Among this hodgepodge of nicknacks was 1 shoe. Sure, I asked, “How, where, what is with 1 shoe?” I was given the typical annoyed, “Dad, I’ll find the other one.”
After she left, I was in the garage when 10 minutes later the garage door opened up and the daughter comes running past me. “What’d you forget?” “Nothing, I have to go to the bathroom.” I always said that whether it was softball, basketball, or whatever the sport if there were anyway to put bathroom urgency into a sport, well she’d have been State Bound every year!
Later, I was relaying this mad scramble to grandma, the bathroom charge, the 1 shoe, etc. She replied, “That’s nothing, when I took her to the airport and she had to take off shoes for the TSA she only had a sock on 1 foot.”
Of course. Of course she did.
20 or not, that’s my daughter. Fo’ Sho’.