MMeM, Vol.13 Issue 2 – Wrong on purpose
Sometimes, I think that mistakes on public signs are purposeful mistakes. You know when a clock needs to be reset, it flashes 12:00 for infinity? There are other examples when a digital display will default to all zeros when the system that feeds it isn’t functioning correctly. But, there are times when I think that the engineers behind these systems purposefully program malfunctioning signs to show certain numbers rather than zeros when things aren’t working.
I finally decided this must be the case when I ran across this sign the other day.
Now there was a time, not too long ago when this diesel price wouldn’t have been all that outrageous. Moreover, if OPEC has any success in their current siphoning efforts, who knows?
But, I digress, after snapping these pics it hit me why these obviously malfunctioning signs said 9.99 instead of 0.00. Because, of course, some dolt would DEFINITELY have driven in, filled up, and then argued about the sign having said $0.00. You know it’s true and you know the types of people who would do that too. Heck, you may be that type.
I can claim innocence as I don’t drive a diesel fueled vehicle……currently.