MMeM, Vol. 9 Issue 45 – Someone should sue

…gosh, I’d like to know how to test it or understand it.

Ok, I realize that in this litigious society of ours that anyone selling anything has to issue disclaimers. Obviously, manufacturers of products have to cover themselves for any possible complaint or harmful fallout from someone’s accident with their product.

But, at some point shouldn’t said manufacturer also be liable for their mountain of legal mumbo jumbo? It’s not like anyone ever reads all that crap. The court that holds a malpractice suit has to either be a big liar or iNcReDiBlY stupid. Everything today comes with more disclaimer documentation than I could ever actually read. Come to think of it though, produce doesn’t yet have any disclaimers on it. Farmers have it so good!

Take the combination SmokeAlarm/CO-detector I installed tonight. That’s a pretty important piece of equipment and gosh, I’d like to know how to test it or understand it.


However, I don’t have a microscope in the house nor do I have the hours it would take to navigate this stupid document. I think I figured out which side was in English and which side was in Spanish. But since I can’t find any library on that side, I’m back to “Donde esta la biblioteca?” None of that made any sense did it? Exactly.

Gosh I love my 4 years of foreign language study!


Blogger, in search of humor, always. Writer of, formerly hosted on Blogger.