MMeM, Vol. 4 Issue 29

…the pharmacists have won haven’t they?

About a month ago, the scientific community was all a flutter over the firing up of the LHC or Large Hadron Collider in Europe. In short, we’ll save you from the typical scientific geek’s near orgasmic explanation, and say it’s a machine that is built to smash atoms so the remains can be studied. The remains of the collision provide possible insights into the creation of the universe and all matter as we know it. Had enough? Yeah, same here. 

Anyway, there have been a few in the scientific community that say this collision could produce a black hole that will swallow and crush the Earth ending our existence. That’s kind of a BIG side note. 

The first collision isn’t scheduled for a couple of months and the collider is actually broken right now so we’re good. However, the end of the world maybe closer than anyone realizes. 

For instance, what will happen when a new Walgreens opens up directly across the street from another Walgreens? 

Doesn’t THAT represent the nexis of the universe and the end of life as we know it? 

Seriously, the pharmacists have won haven’t they? We chronicled the encroachment of pharmacists in MMeM, Vol. 4 Issue 4 back in February.

Alright, obviously the old Walgreens will close to make way for the new one. But what business will go into the old building?

Seems like a logical expansion for, say, a CVS?


Blogger, in search of humor, always. Writer of, formerly hosted on Blogger.