Midwestern Meditations, Vol. 8 Issue 15 – Mind of not so modern man
To be completely serious, this all started with very good intentions. October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. For a few years now, there has been a much different tact taken in getting the word out to women about Breast Cancer and the fight against it. Yes, leaders of this cause have brought in the only group of people who could almost care as much about women’s breasts. MEN.
Everyone has seen the pink shoelaces, hats, jerseys, gloves, socks, towels, and tape in just about every professional and collegiate athlete and team. Well done! It’s been a very effective approach to say the least. Guys are actually talking about mammograms and annual check-ups for goodness sake!
While this effort alone can’t be assigned progress, it worth noting that the NFL has been pushing this effort for 4 years now. In the meantime, the CDC reports that between 1999 and 2008, the mortality rate of breast cancer among all women has declined by 2% a year. Incidence is also down, but anyone could easily say that earlier detection is a big part of better mortality rates, which brings me to my case study of The Mind of the Not So Modern Man.
Yeah, we all watch the NFL and see all the pink gloves, shoelaces, towels, and tape….tape. So, I’m in Dick’s the other day (please insert your own Beavis & Butthead laugh when reading that store name) and I see PINK tape rolls for sale. BAM, a brilliant idea enters my caveman brain and with the display only 2 feet away, I’m able to grab a role before the thought evaporates. The tape I already needed for my crutch, or balance stick as I like to call it which I use for pain from my accident and lack of balance from my MS.
So, I wrap my crutch with pink tape just like an NFL player has their ankles, wrists, or shins wrapped. This way, I’m sporting pink everyday in October and not just on Fridays with my out of season pink polo.
Been pretty well received at work. I’ve had a lot of comments when people finally realize why I have a pink crutch. Then it’s agreed that it’s a good way to support Breast Cancer Awareness Month like the NFL players do. Me? I have to put the proverbial caveman cherry on top and announce, “I just want to support breasts!”