MMeM, Vol.11 Issue 38 – Thanks Einstein

Again, I just don’t get it.

Overdo much? Sometimes, reporters and news types don’t do enough digging for details. although, there is also such a thing as too much. Perhaps I’m missing something with this headline and its subsequent story, but I kind of doubt it.

It’s a good article especially if ‘decaying infrastructure stories’ are your thing because this story is depressing. In short, not only are all of this country’s roads, bridges, and power grids falling to pieces, but gas lines are REALLY old and when they go bad, they go boom.


I’m just not sure that anyone needs “Scientists” to tell them that CIVIL WAR-ERA bare-steel pipes might be susceptible to leaks. I think the title of this story could have started with, Cletus, of Anytown, USA Public Works Department: Replacing old gas pipes reduces leaks.

No, I’m sure there are some municipalities that don’t want to or can’t afford to deal with replacing gas pipe infrastructures. But, are there some who need convincing beyond pipes being from Civil War times? Guess they have to drop the irreproachable word “Scientists”. Non-believers are convinced at that point right?

Yeah I’m not too sure about that either though. I mean, how is that GLOBAL WARMING, err, CLIMATE CHANGE fight progressing?

I apologize. It’s not my goal to dispense gloom and doom here. In other news on this leaking gas pipe page, be sure to catch the story about the TV camerawoman fired after kicking, tripping migrants!


Blogger, in search of humor, always. Writer of, formerly hosted on Blogger.