MMeM, Vol. 3 Issue 9 – ATM – Automatic Teller MISTAKE
Have you ever wondered, or dreamed I guess, why ATM machines NEVER make a mistake? I have. I mean seriously, you can’t get a vending machine to take a crisp, never-before-handled-by-humans dollar bill sometimes. Yet, the ATM never seems to mess up.
I’ve dreamed about this often. In fact, every time I get money from an ATM I watch wonderously as the money comes out thinking, “This will be the day”. “Today, I will get $120 instead of just $40”.
Except it never does. Why not??? And, the twenties you get from ATMs are often pretty tattered and certainly not always crisp new ones.
Well today, there was a news story about a man in China that has been jailed for LIFE, for taking advantage of an ATM which would only deduct 1 yuan from his account for every 1,000 it spit out. I say, “Advantage Customer”. Thus, Xu Ting withdrew 175,000 yuan in 171 transactions. It’s my opinion that “Finders-Keepers” should take precedence here.
Nonetheless, shouldn’t somebody call Amnesty International or someone over this injustice? What a travesty.
Well, for me, the dream still lives…