MMeM, Vol. 5 Issue 9 – Bathroom Humor, part 3
Hello again from Midwestern Meditations eMagazine with this entry into our continuing series, Bathroom Humor. That’s right, it’s the world’s one and only series devoted to real bathroom humor. We’re not dishing dirty humor or off-color humor as the phrase “bathroom humor” often denotes, rather we’re providing original humor as observed in public restrooms.
Or, to put it another way, the only humor series which requires the author to actually carry a digital camera into public restrooms. Gee, now it’s starting to sound AWKWARD. Anyway, it’s original and only appearing here at Midwestern Meditations. Now, onto the latest entry…
Have you ever wondered why the world needs PUSH and PULL signs on doors? I mean seriously, are people moving so fast toward doors that they have to have advance notice about which way the oncoming door swings? And, if worse comes to worse, and you are unfortunate enough to encounter a door that isn’t labeled PUSH or PULL and you actually guess wrong, with a 50/50 chance of being right, what is your next move? Hopefully, it is to perform the opposite of the action that just failed, i.e. pushing rather than pulling or vice versa.
It’s like this example found in a local restroom.
First of all, someone got a package of commercial store stickers and just went cRaZy~ I mean, we’ve got the Handicapped sticker sign, the NO SMOKING sticker sign, and wait, could it be? Yes, it’s a PULL sticker sign.
Obviously, the person putting up these signs never read MMeM Vol. 4 Issue 6 , where we highlighted the fact that Handicapped stalls always swing out, while other stalls swing in and just how stupid that is. So, they should have known that the PULL sign on a Handicapped stall door is inherently redundant. And again, if it hadn’t been labeled and you tried to push, wouldn’t you have figured it out anyway? (hope so)
Whatever. Surely, the inside of the stall door doesn’t have a…
…oh, but of course it does, in case you forgot how you GOT IN THE STALL IN THE FIRST PLACE!
Unless that was a suggestion while you were in the stall?
No, we didn’t just suggest that “joke”! That’s the type of “Bathroom Humor” in which we just do not participate!