MMeM, Vol. 14 Issue 16 – We HEAR you! :)
Technology is fun. Today, it seems everyone enjoys making and taking phone calls in their cars and really, why wouldn’t they? Either you have cars equipped with Bluetooth connectivity or you’ve linked it to your stereo yourself. It’s very convenient and so LUXURIOUS. Hey, this is really a “good” thing in that it’s completely HANDS-FREE and it is the law.
You find yourself feeling like a bit a “high-roller” having next to meaningless conversations with friends and family to keep yourself entertained during mundane trips and tasks. The audio which you’re used to having come through your tiny hand-held phone pressed to the side of your sweaty or makeup matted face is now pumped through your car’s Hi Fi quadraphonic blaupunkt speakers.
Queue the record scratch here.
See, here’s the deal. While you’re at a stop light, looking for that parking space, or toiling at a snail’s pace through downtown, your entire conversation is being heard by EVERYONE around you. Oh sure, you roll up your windows when you’re having a “private conversation” as the topic turns a bit “randy”, but think again because, you’re not! This conversation is as public as it was before you went all submarine hunter-killer quiet with your rolled up windows.
Ok, you know when you are walking on a sidewalk or driving through town with your windows down and you hear that car with the loud music? Well, just remember you hear that because car speakers are placed where the only thing between them and the outside is a thin layer of sheet metal. Subsequently, your luxurious high-toned conversation with your phone buddy is being heard by everyone in the cars next to you and whomever may be walking or standing near you. It’s NOT sound proof, NOT. EVEN. CLOSE.
Just passing this along as many people don’t realize the complete sound-proof privacy they think they are having is in fact, FAR FROM IT. Or, so I’VE HEARD!