MMeM, Vol.10 Issue 24 – Wait, what?

Well there’s nothing we can do about that…

So it seems that the IRS is in a bit of a pickle. All in all, I guess the problems could best be summed up by calling this all another case of “everyone wants to be a cop”.

Lois Lerner, the former Director of the IRS, told investigators on several occassions that emails pretaining to the questions being asked by some pretty important folks (Congress) were, missing?



Nope, can’t find them anywhere. They aren’t on any server, in a file cabinet, a trashcan, or deleted file whatsoever.

Wait, what?

When is the last time a U.S. citizen tried telling the IRS that the requested documents were missing and there was no way to get them back? Maybe it was a W2, a receipt, a listing of expenses or something else.

And when was the last time the IRS answered said citizen with, “No? Oh, ok. Well there’s nothing we can do about that then. You’re all set. You are off the hook.”


Blogger, in search of humor, always. Writer of, formerly hosted on Blogger.