MMeM, Vol.3 Issue 2
…You’ve no doubt heard the expression, ‘Hindsight being20/20’… This past November, I went deer hunting for the first time in my life. My brother, being the great hunter that he is, got me to embark on this great life milestone …
…You’ve no doubt heard the expression, ‘Hindsight being20/20’… This past November, I went deer hunting for the first time in my life. My brother, being the great hunter that he is, got me to embark on this great life milestone …
WHERE’S YOUR GLOBAL WARMING NOW? Seems to me, that “snow days” were a lot more fun as a kid than they are now as an adult. I wonder how many times today while shoveling I thought about my frugal decision …
Here at Midwestern Meditations eMagazine, the email periodical you never asked for but always seem to get, we recently did some introspection. Midwestern Meditations eMagazine, or MMeM, was born out of frustration. Frustration with the way that the middle section …
Father’s Day Edition Re-lighting Birthday candles… Gone wrong…
Look, it’s no secret that “cleaning house” is not one of my favorite things to do. But, every couple of fiscal quarters I get the urge, or rather the necessity, to clean a little bit. Oh, I have a method …
Mom, Funny thing happened after you left. You know how I was boiling some eggs but I didn’t boil them quite long enough the first time? And, I was then going to boil them again to finish the job? Well, …