MMeM, Vol. 4, Issue 7 Bathroom Humor part 2

…suddenly my problems don’t seem all that horrific.

Ever think YOU have it rough? Do you ever think people don’t understand all that you go through on a daily basis? Consider this scenario.

– You’re a male. Ok, obviously strike #1 and judging by some of the female readers of this blog, I could probably end the scenario right here. But anyway…

– You’re responsible for a child in a diaper.

– Said child does their business in said diaper and you have to change it.

– A female child.

– You’re not at home, rather you are out in public.

– You have to go to a public restroom to change the child.

– You need to change the child on one of those baby changing tables provided on the restroom wall.

– Oh yeah, I almost forgot…

– You are unable to SEE!!!

Please. I’ve heard comdeians joke about braile on drive through ATMs before. Yeah, that’s pretty funny cause, like, who would be blind and using an ATM in a drive through?

But now we’re talking about a dad with a female child, in a public restroom, who is BLIND.

Yeah, suddenly my problems don’t seem all that horrific.

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