MMeM, S16E7 – Oh yeah, that!

MMeM, S16E7 – Oh yeah, that!
…good old Ozone Layer issues.

Does anyone even remember the Ozone Layer? Back in the ’80’s the Ozone Layer was a global topic. Boy, what we all wouldn’t do to trade today’s problems for some good old Ozone Layer issues. Well, apparently the Ozone Layer is healing very well thank you very much.

Its healing is the result of worldwide efforts to reduce and ban chemicals that were proven by the scientific community to deplete the Ozone Layer. Specifically, the Montreal Protocol in 1987 worked to ban aerosol chemicals such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) commonly found in A/C units, spray cans, and refrigerators. At the time the Ozone Layer was nearly destroyed allowing cancer causing ultraviolet rays through the atmosphere.

Today, it is estimated that the Ozone Layer is improving by 1-3% every year. It is on track to be substantially healed by 2030 and fully healed by 2050. Wow, what a simpler time the Ozone Layer problem was. Comparatively, I say give me some Ozone problems over COVID-19. We know how to take care of Ozone now.

This issue does prove that world problems can in fact be addressed and even solved. Be they manmade climate issues, or even pandemics. We can do anything. It’s scary and intimidating but it can be done. The Ozone Layer. Who even remembers that silly old thing? Pfft. Whateves.


Blogger, in search of humor, always. Writer of, formerly hosted on Blogger.