MMeM, Vol. 14 Issue 15 – Accomplishments

MMeM, Vol. 14 Issue 15 – Accomplishments
so there‘s that, I guess.

Heard about these ultra runners before, but this is simply too much! Dateline Italy, France, AND Switzerland. British runner Sophie Power (never was there a more aptly named woman) ran 112 miles in this event which traversed through areas of Italy, France, and Switzerland in 43 hours and 33 minutes.

However, that’s not all she did. During this race from hell, Mrs. POWER stopped after 16 hours of running “to feed her baby Cormac at a rest stop on the epic Ultra Trail Mont Blanc Race“. Now by feed, I mean BREAST FEED her 3 month old baby!

Here she’s breast-feeding Cormac while pumping at the same time.

She continued to hand off pumped milk to her husband every 3 hours as he met her along the route because little Cormac feeds every 3 hours.

Let’s see, what have I accomplished in the past 43 hours and 33 minutes? Well, I managed to find my truck after forgetting where I parked it in the parking garage at work twice this week, so there’s that, I guess.


Blogger, in search of humor, always. Writer of, formerly hosted on Blogger.