MMeM, Vol.11 Issue 26 – NO-MO NONOs

Oh No, NO-NO, No way Jose!

Well, MLB is to the 2nd half of June and everyone just celebrated the 2nd NO-HITTER, excuse me, “NO-NO”. I’m not really sure what about this name annoys me so much, but again, it does. What are we, 9 years old or something?

This year there’s been the NO-HTTER thrown by Chris Heston of the San Francisco Giants on June 9th, and more recently the lost perfect game in the 9th inning by Max Scherzer on the 20th which lowered the outing to just a NO-NO. Had the perfect game been achieved would that have been an “OH NO, NO YOU DI’NT!”

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sherzer no-no - Google Search.clipular



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The worst offender this past time for Scherzer was the confluence of two clichés as MLB chooses to invoke “No way, Jose”. Yeah, with that forget the 9-year-old comment, we’re definitely in kindergarten territory now.

Perhaps you’ve read me complaining about this non-phenomenon before the season this year and of course it continues. But now, even major businesses are getting in on it too.

I’ll be honest, this might be the ONLY time it sounds “Ok” in my book. Kind of.

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Blogger, in search of humor, always. Writer of, formerly hosted on Blogger.